Take a look at the Chetan Shivram Rally School hosted in Bangalore. The Chetan Shivram Rally School offers three levels of training, catering to various skill levels and focusing on car control, navigation, and the sport's physical and mental demands, with over 400 students graduated and a significant presence in the INRC grid. In 2007, Chetan Shivram founded his rally school, using his experience to teach the fundamentals of rallying over a two-day training program, featuring drives in a Volkswagen Polo with a full rally setup.
The training covers essential rally skills such as driving on dirt, basic navigation, emergency repairs, teamwork, and interpreting Rally Pacenotes, with personalized feedback to enhance learning. Shivram's approach to instruction and his creation of the world's first franchise-based 4-Wheeler autocross event, Clash of Motoclans, underscore his commitment to growing motorsport in India.
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